UK Police Force seize and crush expensive cars

UK Police Force seize and crush expensive cars

Since the Commissioner launched Operation Cubo in October 2011 as part of his commitment to target criminals and disrupt their activities, the total number of vehicles seized has risen to more than 44,000 and more than 1,000 people have been arrested. The vehicles were seized at roadside checkpoints set up on main routes and on busy back roads at different times during the day.

The enormous haul of uninsured vehicles seized from drivers cuts across the spectrum from Fords to Ferrari.
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Luxury vehicles seized over the past year have also included Bentley, Aston Martin, Porsche, Ferrari, Rolls Royce and Lamborghini.
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In a graphic warning to rogue motorists, last December the Metropolitan Police Commissioner Bernard Hogan-Howe and the Mayor of London, Boris Johnson appeared outside New Scotland Yard next to seized and crushed cars, demonstrating what could happen to your vehicle if you drive illegally in the capital.

Here are some of the tops cars seized.

Tags: wreck, police

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