1992 Alfa Romeo RZ

Car Specs

1992 Alfa Romeo RZ


Alfa Romeo

Alfa Romeo

Quick Facts

Price (when new): 46000

Production Total: 248

Build Start: 1992

Last on sale: 1993

Body Style:

Drive System:

Available in other variants
First conceived as a design study in 1987, the Sprint Zagato caused such a sensation that, in 1989, Alfa launched a production version at the Geneva Motor Show. Based on a heavily modified 75, the SZ had the performance (and sound) to back up its sporty yet unconventional looks. Its ability to hang on in bends really made the SZ special – it could generate 1.1g of cornering force. The RZ (Roadster Zagato) was produced from 1992 until the end of 1993. Only 284 were made, making it highly sought after – and more expensive than the SZ.

Information from Octane Magazine.
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  • 1992
  • SZ/RZ
  • 1993
  • 1260kg
  • 2510mm
  • 1730mm
  • 1300mm
  • 4060mm
Body Details
  • 13
Our Sponsor
  • 7.5s
  • 210bhp
  • 2
  • 206km/h
  • 181lb/ft
Fuel Consump.
  • 21mpg
  • €46000
  • 248
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