Vintage items are considered cool because they are very unique items that are said to have character. Anything which has been produced a while back, usually 30 years old or more is considered vintage and being out of production for decades means there aren’t many of them floating about. This all means that the possibility of you bumping into someone else owning the same thing is very slim.
Vintage items have withstood the test of time, and have been passed on from various hands and each worn out in their own individual way. One can even say that there are no two vintage items that are identical, there is always a unique scratch, dent or missing part – one might think it devalues the item but these guys think it gives it character! Nothing from Vintage Cool is fake. Faux Vintage refers to the totally lame, usually pre-faded and aged items to pass on as vintage.

The photo you see above was taken not taken in the 70s, but here in 2015. Keith Camilleri one of the proprietors of the local business and collection -
Vintage Cool Malta . Both Keith Camilleri and Emvin Taylor felt the need to furnish the present with items of the past. One has to admit, nothing looks cooler than a 1950’s vintage Lambretta sitting in a shop window and this is what Vintage Cool is all about! These guys are giving Malta the opportunity to use any item in their collection for any advertising or display purpose. Vintage Cool offers a wide variety of antiques and collectibles specialising in stuff from the 50s, 60s and 70s. The unique collection includes advertising signs and displays, miniature pedal cars, vintage vending machines, Jukeboxes, old toys and sporting items, and a variety of general line antiques which are available to rent and can also be sold.
However here at we are interested in the cars and they got those too! We took a glimpse at part of their retro ride collection including a 1960’s Lotus Elan, a couple of Alfa Romeos and Lancias and loads more car related memorabilia!
Who knows what else is in their other storage! If you want to know more about Vintage Cool, feel free to visit their website or facebook page.